484-803-9292 or 860-868-7377


The Glenholme School Academics 1
The Glenholme School Academics 2

Glenholme takes an individualized approach to academics based on the needs of each student. Class placement is based on one’s academic abilities and each student is provided with a customized schedule. Most students do come to Glenholme with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and they are provided the supports and accommodations necessary for success.

Classroom instructors either have a degree in special education or are certified to teach their subject areas. The school environment is far more than just educational instruction. Students learn to advocate for themselves and to manage and move past their frustrations that in the past led to school anxiety and  school refusal.

Courses in College and Career Readiness help juniors and seniors prepare for life after Glenholme. Our guidance department also assists students in determining the right post-secondary program, whether it be a community college, four-year university or a career choice.

The Glenholme School is accredited by the Connecticut state Department of Education and the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC).

(Click Here to View Curriculum and Graduation Requirements)

Title IX Policy and Procedures

What is Title IX? Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”) prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity. Sex discrimination includes sex-based harassment, discrimination on the basis of sex and retaliation related to complaints of sex discrimination. Sex-based harassment is unwelcome conduct, which includes both sexual harassment including, but not limited to, sexual assault, other forms of sexual violence and other sexual misconduct, and gender-based harassment. This applies to academic, educational, athletic and residential programs.

What is Different? The new Title IX regulation holds schools accountable for failure to respond equitably and promptly to sexual misconduct incidents and ensures a more reliable adjudication process that is fair to all students. The Final Regulations specify how recipients (defined as schools, LEAs, postsecondary institutions) of federal financial assistance must respond to allegations of sexual harassment consistent with Title IX’s prohibition against sex discrimination. They further specify how recipients (defined as schools, LEAs, postsecondary institutions) of federal financial assistance must respond to allegations of sexual harassment consistent with Title IX’s prohibition against sex discrimination.

Policy and Procedure Documents

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